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Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

Have you acquired your professional qualification abroad and want to work in your profession in Germany? Depending on your profession, you can or must have your foreign...

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Applications and forms can be found on the website of the responsible office.

  • Detailed description

    Have you acquired your professional qualification abroad and want to work in your profession in Germany? Depending on your profession, you can or must have your foreign qualification recognized.

  • Documents

    As a rule, you will need the following documents

    • a table listing the training courses you have completed and the jobs you have held
    • Details of your current place of residence
    • Proof of identity
    • Proof of training acquired abroad
    • Proof of relevant professional experience or other certificates of qualification, if these are required to determine equivalence
    • Declaration as to whether and to which body you have already submitted an application for determination of equivalence
    • If applicable, notification of the determination of equivalence

    Depending on the respective profession, further documents may be required. As a rule, you must submit all documents in the original or as a certified copy. As a rule, all documents must be submitted in German. If the documents are written in another language, you may also require a translation by a publicly appointed translator. Please contact the relevant office.

  • Process

    For recognition purposes, the competent body will check on the basis of your certificates whether and to what extent your foreign qualification corresponds to a German qualification for your chosen profession. This check is based on defined formal criteria, such as the content and duration of the training. Your relevant professional experience is also taken into account, as are other relevant qualifications. For academic qualifications, you can apply for an assessment by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).

    Further information on German professions, recognition procedures and the relevant authorities can also be found on the "Recognition in Germany" portal. This internet portal provides quick and easy answers to questions about recognition, for example

    • Do I have to have my professional qualification recognized?
    • Is recognition worthwhile for me?
    • Can I submit the application? Do I have a formal right to it?
    • Which authority do I have to contact?
    • What does the procedure look like?
    • What documents are required? What form must the documents take?
    • How long does the procedure take?
    • What does the procedure cost?
    • Which laws are relevant to my case?
    • In professions for which a permit is required, the recognition procedure can also be carried out via the single point of contact (currently within the scope of the EU Services Directive, from 18 January 2016 also within the full scope of the EU Professional Qualifications Directive) NOTE: The deadline for submitting the application begins when the competent authority confirms that the required documents have been submitted in full
  • Deadline

    No deadlines need to be observed. The deadline for submitting the application begins when the responsible office confirms that the required documents are complete.

  • Responsible authority

    Please contact the office responsible for the respective profession. You can also use the "Recognition Finder" to find the office responsible for recognizing your qualification with just a few clicks.

  • Point of contact

    Telephone advice on recognition in German and English can be found on the

    Hotline "Working and living in Germany"

    Phone: +49 30 1815-1111


    Mon 09:00 - 15:00
    Tue 09:00 - 15:00
    Wed 09:00 - 15:00
    Thu 09:00 - 15:00
    Fri 09:00 - 15:00

  • Legal basis

    The federal or state law governing the practice of the respective profession applies. You can also find information on this in the "Recognition in Germany" portal.

    Depending on the profession, other laws may also apply. Please contact the competent authority.

  • Pointer

    The service centers of the "Integration through Qualification" network (IQ network) will be happy to advise and support you before, during and after the recognition procedure.

  • More information
  • Approved

    MW LSA, Department 44I, Dieckmann

  • Approved date