Administrative services A-Z


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Report changes to personal data to the university

Please inform your university immediately of any changes to your personal data.

Your responsible authority

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  • Forms

    Forms: Application form or notification of change
    Online procedure possible: partial
    Written form required: yes
    Personal appearance necessary: partial

  • Detailed description

    The spelling of your first name has changed or your last name has changed due to a marriage?

    In order to be able to carry out a name change, you need a corresponding official document (e.g. a copy of the marriage certificate, name change certificate, etc.) showing the name change.

    Have you changed your first name(s) and/or gender entry?

    In this case, please submit an application form for changing the first name and/or gender entry as well as the dgti supplementary ID card (German Society for Trans identity and Intersexuality) in conjunction with a valid identity card/passport or a legally binding decision of the district court.

    Do you have several nationalities, have recently been naturalised or have you discarded one nationality?

    Please also inform us of this change immediately, as this data must be collected. For the registration, please provide a copy of a suitable proof (e.g. naturalization certificate).

    Please make sure to inform the university immediately of any changes to your contact details, otherwise you may not receive important information.

  • Requirements

    You have made the following changes:

    • First name and/or surname
    • Gender entry
    • Nationality
    • Contact details (e.g. address, telephone number, e-mail)
  • Documents
    • Update request or change notification
    • If applicable, evidence
      (e.g. copy of the marriage certificate, name change certificate, naturalization certificate, identity card/passport or legally binding decision of the district court)
  • Fees


  • Process

    Please inform us immediately of any changes to your personal data that affect your university.

    This is done either in writing with an update request or a change notification or informally.

    Corresponding forms can usually be found on the website of your university.

    If necessary, add evidence.

    The exact details can be obtained from the respective university.

  • Deadline

    Please inform your university immediately of any changes to your personal data.

  • Responsible authority

    the respective university

  • Approved

    Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg

  • Approved date